Hi my Indie kitties, if you’re an author (or want to be), you must make plans to attend the Indie Revolution Conference, or as we like to call it: Indie ReCon – making Indie publishing a mission possible! While the conference focuses on Indie publishing, there will be tons of advice that will benefit writers who utilize all publishing styles. And during the conference, our presenters and partners will be giving out loads of prizes – including new kobo e-readers. Some of the conference highlights include:
Ask Kat: What is the best and worst part of Indie publishing?
Best: That you have complete creative control. Worst: Since you’re basically running your own company you have to split your time between so many things you wouldn’t have to do if you were traditionally published.
Ask Kat: What made you decide go the indie route?
Most little girls play house or with dolls, I played store. I think I’ve wanted to own my own business since I was five. I come from a long line of people with that entrepreneurial spirit, so it was inevitable, really. I have nothing against traditional publishing, I have a lot of friends who work in the industry. But for me, it was more important that I do this myself, than hand my project over to someone else. I really like the idea that this is mine; that I made this. My words, my art, my design, my drive, moving it forward. That my readers get one complete vision, one story, one voice. Pure, the way it was meant to be.
Ask Kat: What do you like to do when you’re not writing?
What do you like to do when you’re not writing? The question is what don’t I do, really. Well first and foremost I create art, being that it’s my day job. I read a lot of books and manga and watch TV shows or movies and anime. I make cosplay, micro origami and miniature hand bound books. I take a jazz dance class once a week and perform in it’s two yearly shows. I’ve actually been in dance for the majority of my life. I also perform in the world famous historical re-enactment event The Great Dickens Fair every year. If you’re ever in the SF Bay Area during the winter holidays you should come check it out. Lastly my husband convinced me I should join their Pathfinder tabletop role playing game, so I’ll be starting that soon.
The Next Big Thing [Bloggity Hop]
Thanks Ashe Marshall for tagging me to be a part of this blog hop! I’m SUPER excited to share my latest novel, the second book in The Marked Ones Trilogy, with you all. In case you didn’t know, THE NEXT BIG THING blog hop, is designed to raise awareness of new works, or works in progress. Basically an author answers a set of questions about their current project and posts it on their blog along with the names and links to the blogs of a few other authors they’re tagging (in my case one, because everyone is/was still gone for the holidays). Then, the following Wednesday, those authors post their answers to the questions along with the authors they are tagging and so on.
Stop SOPA and PIPA
SOPA and PIPA aren’t just bad news for internet companies and creators, they’re bad news for us all and disastrous for this country. SOPA and PIPA are the wrong way to combat internet piracy. They’re the digital equivalent of fixing a roach problem by burning down the whole building. So I decided to write my […]