This week’s Illustration Friday word was Bottled and this is the first thing that came to mind. The original image is from this piece I painted on Monday for my upcoming picture book The Koi Who Cried Wolf, the second picture book by author Katina Lawdis I am illustrating for Viscus Vir Publishing. I repainted […]
Behind the Process
From the Studio 4 Wherever I go whether it’s online or at one of the many events we attend people are always asking about how I make my illustrations. I recently did this image for Illustration Friday’s topic Beneath so I thought I would you it to talk about my illustration process. The Idea First […]
My entry for Illustration Friday’s topic Beneath. I recently went to the Academy of Sciences in San Francisco and in their Rainforests of the World exhibit they have a section where the fish swim over you. The photos I took inspired this image. I mean how often do you get to see fish swimming above […]
Blue Journey
(click image for full view) This Art Card was originally designed for The Ripple Project. This Art Card is SOLD This image is one of the first 100% digital paintings I have ever made, both drawn and painted on the computer. Using Painter’s excellent brush software I created a pencil that had the look and […]
The Sea of Imagination
‘A girl watches a school of odd creatures float by in a waterless subterranean sea.’